Articles from December 2021

Dr. George Wolfe Reviews Dr. Damani Phillips' New Album
Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Dr. George Wolfe, Professor Emeritus of Music Performance at Ball State University, reviews Dr. Damani Phillips' newest album, No More Apologies.

Deborah Whaley Discusses Comics and Social Change in Iowa Magazine
Monday, December 20, 2021
African American Studies Professor Deborah Whaley, an expert on race and gender in graphic novels and comics, explains why the genre can be an inviting medium for complex conversations in Iowa Magazine.

Richard Turner Interviewed on "Left of Black" To Discuss His New Book
Thursday, December 2, 2021
What is the interesting, yet too little explored, intersection between the golden age of jazz and Islam in the African American community? How did one inform and influence the other? Dr. Richard Brent Turner joined Prof. Mark Anthony Neal to discuss his latest book, "Soundtrack to a Movement: African American Islam, Jazz, and Black Internationalism," published by NYU Press.